Wednesday 25 September 2013

Creative writing - Short story openings

Continue the opening of the story below:
When my parents told me that we were hosting a family from Earth, I didn’t know whether to be glad, or to sulk or just lose my temper.
Please leave your story openings in the comments box. Read each others and comment on them.


  1. When my parents told me that we were hosting a family from Earth, I didn't know whether to be glad, or to sulk or just lose my temper. I could fly out with rage, kicking and screaming with my four arms and 8 legs. I could just roll my 10 eyes and walk away, to the local Youth Center where I could just confess all my feelings to my BEA (Best Ever Alien) Yana. On the other hand, I could just clean my room ready for the visitors. So I did, I took the safer option and flew up to my room. It wasnt very tidy... I shoved all my mess under the bed and walked away like nothing happened. (I mean - they only have 2 eyes; they will ever see it!)
    By Mia from Austen

  2. When my parent told me we were hosting a family from Earth, I didn't know weather to be glad, or to sulk or just loose my temper. I just slumped on the sofa. I think I should sulk, since I am not good at meeting new people. I made groaning noises. My parents heard me, deciding to ignore me. But, in the end, it would be a good thing. Having roast human on Mars never really happened a lot, and we were glad that they are coming here to stay with us...

    1. I like this one Mia I like the bit about having roast human

  3. When my parents told me that we were hosting a family from Earth, I didnt know whether to be glad, or to sulk or just loose my temper. So I chose to sulk.
    "Leave me alone!! Haven't you done enough already!?" I huffed at my mum and dad.
    "There lovely, we met them on the interweb!"My mum replied.
    "I dont care were you found the Earthlings but we are Racka-Dacka Aliens that live on mars. They NOT belong here."I said getting more frustrated by the second.
    BUZZ! "Well they're here now. LiLa you better behave or you know where we will send you!"


  4. When my parents told me that we were hosting a family from Earth, I didn't know whether to be glad, or to sulk or just lose my temper. I had never hosted people form Earth before, we normally just stayed in our space ship because everyone that we saw from Earth screamed ands ran away. One lady even phoned the police on us because she was scared. When the police did arrive3 we already had gone. I still have nightmares about it! I decided to have one more go. They might like us and then I can finally have an human friend!

  5. When my parents told me we were hosting a family from earth, I didn't know wheather to be glad, or to sulk, or just lose my temper.So I decided not to do a thing in their presence.I silently made my way upstairs, I opened the door to my small, dull room.I heard the click of the door lock and bellowed out rather loud.
    Hours past and I was still screaming, every now and then I'd take a small breath. I had to come up with a mischievous plan to make sure no creature enters my house

  6. sorry that was from alex

  7. When my parents told me we were hosting a family from earth, I didn't know whether to be glad, or to sulk, or just lose my temper.

    I smiled and then walked away, trying not to look back, hoping they had walked away too. My mother looked quite please about it, but my father showed no expression. He never really does.


  8. please*pleased

    correction from my story =D

  9. when my parents told me that we were hosting a family from earth, I didn't know wheather to be glad, or to sulk or just lose my temper. they didn't even tell me who they were or explain why we were doing this!! He said its a chance for you two make new friends and spend time with the family. when they arrived at the door we let them in and ..........

    The next morning I couldn't remember where I was and who was next to me. I kicked my thin green leg out and felt dangly things at the end of the bottom of her foot! I screamed at the stop of my voice and ran out of my spaceship!!! 'Theirs a human in my shuttle!!'

    1. I like the cliff hanger - and...... - that you used because it leaves you thinking just like the twitter fiction story's did and then it skips straight on to another paragraph which makes you think even more as you gave nothing away.

  10. that correction was Molly (if you couldn't tell)

  11. When my parents told me that we were hosting a family from Earth, I didnt know whether to be glad, or to sulk or just loose my temper. I decided to lose my temper "How, what, why and just WHO?!" I shouted across the room. The doorbell rang suddenly. i ran, mum ran and dad ran...

  12. When my parents told me we were hosting a family from earth i didn't know weather to be glad ,or sulk or just loose my temper, so i just smiled and walked of to my room emotionless.i sat down on my bed thinking to my self as all these emotions and thoughts crossed my mind like will i like them? will they like me? at this point i felt worried because of all these thoughts. i didn't know what to do so i thought i will just go with the flow. "DING DONG!

  13. When my parents told me that we were hosting a family from Earth, I didn't know whether to be glad, or to sulk or just lose my temper.I decided that my temper would only get me in deeper water/in trouble/no where.A family from earth?Who?When are they coming? What do hey look like?Were the questions travelling through my mind at the speed of light.Why me i questioned the universe,Why me?

    We might as well have put up a sign on our ship saying "why don't you stay here ".My stomach did back flips.I felt dizzy, the universe started swimming,Then i collapsed!After i woke up still hazy i decided that being quiet wasn't going to get me anywhere so i decided to have a tantrum.

    "Where have you been"Mom questioned
    "I fainted"
    "Thats nice dear"
    i grunted and decided thee was only one thing left to do.And it started with a pillow......
    A few hours later after being locked in my room for being so nasty i realized that i diddnt have a hope.Moms mind was set in concrete .
    "Earthlings" i said in disgust.I shuddered at the thought of......


    1. i liked the humor used in the last paragraph but you could have improved on your spelling

    2. sorry! Julia! :D

  14. When my parents told me that we were hosting a family from Earth, I didn't know whether to be glad, or to sulk or to just loose me temper. I decided to go and sulk in my bedroom. We have had many people round from Earth, all of then horrible. Their kids tear round the house distorting everything in their path, like bears form the planet Zork.
    "Do they have to come." I moaned to my mum. "Yes darling they do, and be nice not like last year when you tried to eat their young." I growled at her and stomped my way out the room.


  15. When my parents told me we were hosting a family from Earth, I didn't know whether to be glad or to just sulk and loose my temper. This is because I have heard stories that at night they peel off their skin and eat your eyes, brain, ears, nose and belly button! They put them in a jar and do a dance, where they all hold hands and shimmy in a circle. They then mash the parts up into a green goo and eat it in the moonlight, as an offering to their god, Eshbancalashmanooga.

  16. When my parents told me that we were hosting a family from Earth, I didn't know whether to be glad, or to sulk or just lose my temper. What is they carried weapons or could not speak our language. I knew what i would do! I
    got out my invention. Mum was walking up to my room and told me to clean
    my room for the guests, by this time I was in a strop.. I have read a book about
    people who came form earth their eyes are on their face and they have big holes in the middle of their head so they can smell their prey from miles away!
    before I had a chance to turn on my invention the door bell rang...

  17. When my parents told me that we were hosting a family from Earth, I didn't know whether to be glad or just lose my temper. The last family from Earth were horrible. They smelt odd and looked weird. Also they took things from our home and planet. I mean if we went to there planet and took their things they wouldn't like it. I think I am DREADING the next family to come. Will they be nice? Will they talk to us or even understand us?
    This is when I start to shout at my parents for no reason. They tell me to calm down and that this time it will be better, but no I am simply not having it. When it is near the time for torture to arrive on our door step i ask my family lots of questions about them but all they say is "wait till they get here". By them saying this, it gets me even more angry. Then there is a loud knock at the door. The Joans family have arrived.

    By Fara

  18. When my parents told me that we were hosting a family from Earth, I didn't know whether to be glad, or to sulk or to just lose my temper. Once my mum had told me more information, my mouth dropped! I didn't want this to happen. How would they look like? Would they be nice or mean? Would they understand how we are and what our lifestyle is like?? I really didn't understand how to respond. I was trying to ask my mum when they would be coming but no-one was listening to me. In anger I went to my room stomping. I was just praying that they wouldn't come today. The next thing I heard was the doorbell! I crossed my fingers hoping that it wasn't the family from Earth. I was standing at the top of the stairs waiting for my dad to open the door. As soon as my dad opened the door all I saw was THEIR faces!!!

  19. sorry I forgot to put my name. it was me Ikra!

  20. I like the way Fara wrote about the experience of the last family.
    by Ikra

  21. When my parents first told me that we were hosting a family from Earth, I didn't know whether to be glad,or to sulk or just loose my temper. So many thoughts were spinning in my head. So I decided to keep quiet and help prepare everything. But when the family from Earth came, I wish I hadn't kept quiet. It wasn't what I had expected...

  22. When my parents told me that we were hosting a family from Earth, I didn't know whether to be glad, or to sulk or just to lose my temper. I had mixed emotions. I suppose it would be different from just my usual friends coming for tea. Now i've realised "WHAT?!" its people from EARTH. They're coming to see our world up here ...another universe. How will they speak to us? What do they like to eat? The doorbell rang an I screamed...

  23. When my Parents told me that we were Hosting a Family from Earth. I didn't know whether to be glad, or to sulk or just loose my Temper. I'm quite nervous seeing its my first time seeing a Earthling. They are coming tomorrow, I hope they like Me.
    -Ayse Brown

  24. When my parents told me that we were hosting a family from Earth, I didn't know whether to be glad, or to sulk or just to lose my temper.Then I thought 'no!!' I will be grown up about this, so I ran up to my bedroom and started making a list of how I was going to make their time here with us LIVING HELL!!

  25. When my parents told me that we were hosting a family from Earth, I didn't know whether to be glad, or to sulk or just to lose my temper.Then I thought 'no!!' I will be grown up about this, so I ran up to my bedroom and started making a list of how I was going to make their time here with us LIVING HELL!!

  26. when my parents told me that we were hosting a family from earth, i didnt know whether to be glad or to sulk or just lose my temper, i mean, i dont want to be rude but earth is a pretty awful planet, there is loads of hatred and crime etc. its the worst place out there, who couldn't we have some other family, anyone else, just not people from earth. i heard some horrible tales about people killing eachother, stealing, vandalising.what goes on in thier heads?


    i know this is just after 9, but it was the only time i could get on

  27. I know this is posted quite late but my dad was busy working and this is the only time I get and my dad knows I am on it.

    When my parents told me that we were hosting a family from Earth, I didn't know whether to be glad, or to sulk or to just lose my temper. I loved that show, The Humans, but I never pictured myself living with one. I mean, when would I do my homework? Would I even go to school? Would I have to play with him like I am only three light-years old? So many questions to ask!

    Then I decided to think about this later, and that I would sleep on it.

    When I woke up I decided not to throw a massive hissy fit and as long as my room was MINE, and not some ugly Earthlings, I was happy!


  28. When my parents told me that we were hosting a family from Earth, I didnt know whether to be glad, or to sulk or just lose my temper, So I sat on my shiny glass chair thinking about what the Earthlings would be like, oh I just didnt know but apparantly they had 2 arma, 2 legs and a body with a head on top. What on planet Zog was that going to look , Anyway I walked over to mum and asked ...
