Wednesday 11 September 2013

'The Dragon' by Angie Sage

Talmar looked out of the tiny arrow slit at the top of the castle tower, watching the

Besiegers far below finishing the trebuchet - a giant catapult. It would not be long now.

The siege had turned Talmar into a watcher. She had watched her mother and her

little sister being locked into the safe room. Talmar was terrified of enclosed spaces.

She had bitten someone and run to the top of the tower. Fast.

Talmar had watched her father patrol the battlements. She had watched the arrow

that flew in a perfect arc towards her father. She had watched her father topple

backwards and fall on the wrong side of the castle: the outside. She had heard the

rest. The Besiegers made a particular noise when they ate their prey.

Now something was watching Talmar: her baby dragon sat in the palm of her hand

watching a tear run down her cheek.

Talmar held her hand up to the arrow slit. ‘Fly free.’

Talmar watched her dragon fly high. She saw it settle on top of the trebuchet, and

then she heard it call: skreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Talmar saw a dark shape appear on the horizon.

She watched it coming towards the castle. She watched the mother dragon swoop

down to pick up her baby, flames roaring, talons grabbing.

She watched the Besiegers flee in terror.

Talmar watched the castle gates open, the people pour out and the celebrations

begin. Soon she would stop watching. Soon, but not yet.


    I thought this was the title because it gives the story it's genre of fantasy. Talmar is most obviously the main character however there are other characters who all have their own events happening throughout the story. I would say this story was set in the medieval times with the castle being there and it's sort of set in a magical land with dragons.

    1. i agree as the castle and the dragon give it the genre of fantasy.

    2. I agree Kiera, but I think the title also suggests that the genre could be fantasy or adventure. I also think it could be called 'The Dragon' because their could be more to the story about the dragon, and maybe why Talmar let the baby dragon fly free?

  2. i thought that Talmar had quite a sad and traumatic past because her dad died and was captured by the besiegers and then she watched her mum and sister being put into a safe room and now she is a watcher and i think that maybe she is a watcher because the besiegers wont allow her to be seen so she just has to watch but that is just my thoughts and i think that maybe the dragon as the title was quite significant because maybe the dragon was her only company

    1. I agree with zoe ,she must be quit depresed and out of breath from running to the top also she must be quit violent because she bit someone!

    2. Julia by the way

  3. Hi my mouse stopped working so i had to wait a while!
    I agree with Kiera about the title
    The setting:The story is set in a castle.This contributes to the story as the besiges are attacking it and there is a gate around the castle.There is also a wrong side of the castle.In the castle there is a castle tower with a slit as a window of which Talmar is looking out of. Also there is a Trebuchet under the window of which the baby dragon goes onto when it is scooped up by its mother or father.

  4. Also when it says the besigers made a certan noise when they ate there prey it suggested that they wernt human and were an anamal like

  5. The reasilution or conclusion im going to do in notes
    The dragon flys out
    The mother scoops up the baby dragon scaring away the besichers
    Then they all have celebrations
    I know that last bit wasnt really one i just put it there anyway

  6. The dragon- I think the writer chose this title because it makes people want to read about it, however if it was called Tamer people wouldn't want to read about something that doesn't sound boring or dull
    Alexandria :)

    1. I agree Alex, also I thought the title made the story sound more mystical and magical.


    2. I agree Alex, also I thought the title made the story sound more mystical and magical.


    3. yes the title makes it seem more adventurous

  7. the dragon -
    I think the author chose this title because it attracts you in many different ways. also I think that the book title is based on who its aimed for e.g. mainly boys who are 9-14
    Labibah :)

  8. I think the best part of 'The Dragon' was the end because it made me use my imagination to think how the story may have ended. It also made me want to read more. I loved the part where it was talking about her dad and what had happened to him, this gave us more information on talmar's character because we then knew that talmar had lost her father, and sister and mother had been locked up in the safe room!

  9. The Plot:
    -The start is very sudden, with a character called Talmar in.
    -The castle is being sieged by the besiegers.
    -Talmar's dad dies and falls off the wrong side of the castle and gets eaten.
    -Next Talmar's baby dragon flies free through the arrow slit in the wall and out above the battle.
    -The baby dragon is collected by the mother dragon.
    -The mother dragon scares the besiegers and they flee in terror.
    -Celebrations start but she says she will not stop watching, soon but not yet.


  10. The title-
    "the dragon"is the title of this story this shows that this story is a action/fantasy type of story and aimed for people who enjoy action based stories. the title indicates that a dragon might have an important role in the story.

    1. I agree with that

    2. That's what I thought too Celina :)

  11. The title 'The Dragon' makes you immediately think that the story I s about a dragon in a fantasy.

    1. I agree with you molly, however I thought it would be called dragon because how the baby bird cried for help.


  12. The title also indicates that the dragon will be a main character in the story which it is.

  13. I think the climax (I think this is the tense part of the story) is when Talmar's dad gets shot with an arrow and falls down the other side of the castle and then is EATEN by the besiegers

  14. The Dragon

    Title- I think its called 'The Dragon' because it is very mythical like dragons and, its also got dragons in the story. Its also a medieval story like dragons.

    Character(s)- Talmar is the main character and she sounds like she it around 13 years old. In the story it tells us all about her family and what happens to them.

    Setting- I think it is based in medieval times, but because of her name it suggests that it is NOT based in England.

    Plot- The key events are when when the dad gets shot by an arrow. When the mum and sister get locked in the 'safe room' and Talmar bites someone to get free. The main event though is when Talmar lets go of the dragon and when the mother dragon flies down to get it all the Besiegers fly off.

    Climax- The main tension of the story is when Talmar lets go of the dragon and the mother flies to get it and scares all the Besiegers away.

    Conclusion/Resolution- The conclusion is when the dragon scares away the Besiegers and all the people have a huge celebration/party.

    By Lucy

    1. I would agree with you for everything except how old Talmar is, i imagined her to be younger than 13, maybe 9.

  15. I think the most important ingredient in a short story is the character. I think the character in the story should be created as if they were the readers best friend. In 'The Dragon' the character (Talmar) is really mysterious and you learn about her personal fears such as the enclosed spaces. You also recall her flashback with her about her Mother and Sister being locked up and her Father being shot and eaten by the Besiegers.

    Mia - From Austen :) (This is posted at 9:20pm because that is the only time the computer was free)

  16. Title:
    I think the reason why the title was chosen as 'The Dragon' is because it saves the day and is one of the characters who save the day.


  17. REDO

    I think the reason the title is called 'The Dragon' is because the character that saves the day is a mother dragon. Talmar is also another character that is a child that doesn't understand what's happening because she showed no sadness when her father was hit by the arrow and eaten. But she saves the day as well, lets the baby dragon fly out the slit window and mother dragon picks it up and flies away.

  18. The Dragon

    I think the author choose this title because the dragon saves the day and it is about a dragon, but I think the author should of called it Talmar and her magic dragon.

    The main character is Talmar but there are many other characters such as: Talmar's dad, mother and her little sister. I think Talmar is a shy girl but she will speak up for herself like she bit a guard and ran to the top of the tower. Orla

  19. The story is set in a castle and I imagine that there are fields and forests surrounding it.

    1. I agree with you Ikra but i also think that it could be like a castle war place too because there's fighting going on so I imagine it could be near some battlefields.

  20. Climax
    I find the bit at the beggining quite tense for Talmar when she became a watcher and also when the besiegers were close to finishing the trebuchet so it wouldn't be long. I find both quite tense.

  21. Characters
    I think the main characters would be Talmar and the Dragon. In the story it sort of suggests that she's mysterious and she's a watcher and I think the dragon is also he main character because the dragon saves everyone, it's the title and also by the title it shows the audience that it could be a fantasy/mystical fairytale genre. That is why i think that them two are the main characters.

  22. Setting
    I think this story is set in medieval times, because it includes trebuchets and castles.Also they used a lot of arrows to kill people back then, the dad gets hit by a arrow.


  23. Title
    I think the title is The Dragon because if it was Talmar then the book wouldnt really look intresting or eye catching. Whereas The Dragon sounds more intresting.

  24. Conclusion
    I love the ending because it leaves you thinking about what she is looking out for and lets you imagine what will happen after that.

    I think that the main character is the dragon and Talmar because it is based around her with this dragon. She is the one that has the dragon and lets it fly free to save the day with her mum (the big dragon) by coming and scaring off The Besiegers to save the town. The story is based around the castle and what goes on there with Talmar.
    By Fara

  25. In class today i wanted to say on the 1st trailer that there was only one side-one point of view and that they made the aliens appear evil wheres it might be the human!!
    For the second one i wanted to say that when they fell through the hole they fell into a room with modern technology and this suggests that there were either people here before or perhaps even another race!
    It would also be unlikely that that was the only room so where are the others and if there arent any then why and why is it there in the first place!

  26. I think the main character is Talmar & The Baby Dragon, Because The dragon is described allot in this story, and Talmar was described in just about every scene. It sounds Like its set in a medieval Time, were they had Castles and Mystical Creatures such as Dragons. I think the plot is were there is A war and people are getting Locked in safe rooms so they don't get hurt, And a baby dragon gets set free by talmar and the dragon mother sweeps down from the sky.
