Friday 13 June 2014

Using music and moving image to inspire creative writing

The following film clip comes from '2001: A Space Odyssey'. It has had a piece of music synced to it called 'Adagio for strings' by Samuel Barber. Please post your creative writing started in class here and develop it further should you wish too.


  1. There was no-one.I had lost them. They won't chase me anymore. At last I was free. My heart was in my mouth carefree I ripped off my shirt gasping for breath. they had me no more. I could dance, skip, run, this weight was finally off my shoulders. Now I could think straight. The rain poured down into my cuts and scars they could hurt me no more, they were gone, forever.
    Georgia Bardwell

  2. I looked outside the machine. Was this the right thing to do? I was trembling with fear. The room was white and blinding. I stepped out in my orange suit. This was my bedroom. Wow things had changed. I carefully walked into what seemed as a bathroom, the luxury I have urned. the solid silver sink and bath. There was a mirror. I looked at myself for a second. there I was in my black business suit. I recognized some of the ornaments. I was at a short desk. I think that was me eating. It was hard to see.


  3. I watched as the pod took off, fear struck my entire body, I felt like lead. A piece of the jigsaw puzzle of my life had disappeared. I clutched my eyes as a flash of migraine zipped past them. I was suddenly transported to my middle aged self. -Mia D

  4. I filled up with regret. Just pushing that one button would vanish my whole life and family. I wondered round slowly thinking it was just a dream. I hoped it was. Somehow I didn't feel much. No pain, no tears anymore. Was this my life over? - Orla O

  5. Life goes on, you know. Mission over: return home. Eat fresh food, drink special wine. When you knock something over, you clean it up. Every year, month, week, hour, minute, second even. You grow older, until you cannot mature any longer. You lie in your death bed ready to lose grip. But you don't. Instead you reincarnate into a wonderful baby, then teen, then adult, then elder. Life goes on, you know. - Isabella A

  6. This is a message to everyone. Please check your use of punctuation so that you achieve the effects you want to create in your writing. Rewrite it accurately if necessary.

  7. 'mummy, could you play me my song. The one I love just like I love you. 'I can not forget the painful memory of my mothers sweet voice, touch, her words that would make me go to sleep, I will get her back. 'Ok newbie you are going out in 3,2,1' They promised me that here time will go back on it self, I will be young, that I can relive the memory's of my childhood. Evolution will not get the best of me this time. I will not become the lonely monster who eats by him self, talks to him self, dreams by him self. I will turn back time and I will see her again.

    Lena Tomasik

  8. I stared in the room, it was a mix of future and antique. As I took a step I looked around in confusion. I walked into the bathroom, it was again a mix of period. I looked into the mirror my reflection puzzled me somehow. I looked back into the main room and I saw a slouched old man eating. He stopped raised his head and looked round at me. He slowly turned back around, froze then struggled to lift himself. He reversed his chair and walked towards me. Then I felt I was him, I walked over back to my dinner table. I took a mouthful and reached for the salt, knocking over my glass to the floor. I looked over and saw an even older me dieing in bed. I felt strange again I had become him. I raised my hand and had gently and saw before me a huge black cuboid. Then I saw flashes. I then turned into to a breathless baby in my mothers womb. I then new as I got closer to the moon I was not a normal earth child, oh no I was something better.

  9. I sat here thinking to myself. I had the ability to do it , so why couldn't I? Was I too afraid? What about the advantages? And the disadvantages? I felt like I was alone, nobody with me however shortly I felt a presence behind me.


  10. i stared ahead, confused at the world rushing by me. i felt trapped. closed in. i walked forward. my mind was elsewhere. i look at my self. i lookk my self up and down. i peer around a corner and see myself again.

  11. The man stared ahead into the neat white room, watch for any movement. He looked at the floor, there were tiles placed down to create a pattern. The walls created a square shape except for gaps, each gap held a similar statue. In the middle of one wall was a doorway leading to the bathroom. He stepped closer to the bathroom, walking slowly and carefully, slowed down by his large, heavy spacesuit.


  12. This place seems familiar, yet it's so quiet and lonely I could almost be the first to discover it. Walking from room to room, slowly and cautiously, until I come across a mirror. My eyes wide open, slightly shocked by my own reflection. In the moment I found it hard to believe that this was me, how I had changed just from being out here, in space.


  13. I stared at the room, right in front of me. Why did it feel like I had been here before? I walked into the other rooms, this place is vey familiar. I turned around and behind me was my own reflection. The question that was circling through my mind was; Was this really happening?

  14. Julia Hickson
    I look down, Paralysed. A strange man in an orange suit gets out from a futuristic looking machine. He walks out, and wonders through the house, unaware if me watching him. Years pass, and over the years the man brought more futuristic furniture with him. That strange machine appears again, and yet another man walks out, this man too, younger. As he wonders like the first he bumps into an older version of himself, who too looks as if it is a normal, everyday thing. Not one word is spoken. The machine once agin appeared, with yet another copy of the orange suited man. The oldest man sits to eat his evening meal, however when he stretches he knocked down his wine. This shows his venerability and how he is un capable of completing everyday tasks. The younger men take charge of the house as the older man gets into his bed. I do not wish to watch as my old companion dies, though we have not spoken a word neither does he know I am here. I however must watch, as I tower above him. I have no choice. Does anyone ask the ceiling if they wish to see or not see something. I think not. Though we have no say, for we cannot speak, we do like to be asked.

  15. I got up, confused. Was this the end? They say you get seven seconds as you die where your entire life flashes past.

    Suddenly, my vision fades to black. When I can see again, I am in a space suit. I look in the mirror and I am 32 again.

    I look in the bedroom. I'm there. I slowly walk in, expecting my older self to recognise me but he couldn't see me.

    A flash of pain shot through my spine and I had transported into my older self. The pain still in my back, I look at my hands, I am 84, lying in my deathbed. Goodbye.


  16. I am finally free. No control. I enter the modern household recognizing it. It had something about it that made me flash back to my childhood. I walked into a 2nd me. He was scared and confused. Not knowing what to do. Maybe this is what they call a mirror. I haven’t been on earth for years. I don’t remember anything. But all my memories are pouring out of me now.
    Alexandria :)
