Friday 13 June 2014

Using film images to inspire creative writing

The following image comes from the film 'The Shawshank Redemption'. Please post your creative writing started in class here. You may want to develop it further too.


  1. Drip, Drop, Pitter, Patter.

    My eyes opened, through the faint fuzz of my sleepy eyes, I could see dark clouds cloak the sky. The transparent drops were the Gods pitiful tears; they warmed to my touch and sent a fuzzy feeling to my heart. I crawled onto my beaten knees and laughed. Not a silent one; a real, loud, hearty laugh, that filled the air like a newly poured glass of water. My hands reached up to the sky, basking in the wet drizzle. -Mia D

    1. Mia - this is wonderfully imaginative, but as it is creative writing, can you edit this with accurate punctuation so it achieves the best effect you want it to have.

  2. I run outside, a Shock of sharp rain hits the back of my neck, I look out into the street, I see every single rain drop hit the ground and splash so perfectly. I feel alive. I feel free. The rain on my skin gives me relief, I remove my shirt, I feel the wet cotton slide of my body. My spine shivers with excitement. Rain pours all over my tingling skin. As each drop trickles down my body my worries disappear. I finally feel free. - Celina C

  3. The storm surged down. The pain welled up inside me I had to let it out. I missed this magical thing. I wanted to call Eve but I know she would think I was lying. I wanted to saver this moment. After a few minutes the whole street came out. I threw my hands up and I felt it. It was cold and pain free. My wish. I opened my mouth and the little droplets soothed me. -Orla O

  4. I wait in my car for the downfall of rain to come and a few minutes later it does. As it's coming Down I get out of my car and perform a scene from my favourite movie singing in the rain. I end on my knees, my arms up in the air and my eye tightly shut.

    I feel the contact of the rain on my skin, I feel sensation. Then I drop to my knees, widen my arms and praise the sky above which sent this rain to earth. My skin glistens as it runs down my body.

  5. Thank god for this rain. Life is good. They all said I would never make it, I would never get out a live. I would die there or on my way. Finally I am free. I never want to go back for as long as I live, nothing can stop me now; I'm on my way to a better life. One without limitations. The rain is heavy now, I feel more free with every drop.

  6. This is a message to everyone. This is creative writing and your use of punctuation needs to be accurate so that you achieve the effects you want. Please check and edit your work.

  7. I need to keep on running dark clouds linger behind me, 'when the first rain drop falls than you will see' that voice, I can not get it out of my head. than I feel it cold damp moisture on my face, hand, feet, pavement I need to keep on running. than I see it, the old house that is falling, just like always. than I see her maybe it is a him on the edge. near the sea. one foot goes than the other ' you could have saved her' The women flue and fell, I dropped to my knees and scream to god. I have saved four soul four my redemption and I have lost two.

    Lena Tomasik

  8. I can't believe it,after all this heat. The hottest summer ever recorded is finally over. As I walk outside I feel the delicate snow drops gently touching my skin. As I look up it's like theirs nothing there,like there never was. Just darkness with droplets of heaven above floating down, tenderly touching the end of my eyelash. The day has come, the end of having to sleep with no duvet, wearing just shorts and t-shirts. It's like I've never seen snow before , like a new experience waiting to be lived

  9. That last post was from me {Maddie}

  10. Happy. Happy is how I feel . I can't believe this just happened. I feel so grateful and thankful. I felt like a huge weight had been lifted of my shoulders. I don't have too keep it hidden and I now I can feel so much more free


  11. I love the rain, i feel as if it my first time felling the raindrops that have had a much better life than me being free ans being allowed to go wherever they do please. i cannot believe it's been 10 years in there i feel so free,so alive that i want to roll around with joy and happiness , i want to kiss every woman that walks by and hug every man. oh how liberating is this feeling of relaxation and tranquility. i can finally enjoy water ,i feel so hydrated.

    sofia :D

  12. Walking freely along the road, Whilst raindrops fall onto my forehead, after a Long hard day at work. thinking to myself 'I don't realize what i have got until its gone'. Lifting my hands up into the refreshing air just taking a minute to appreciate everything I've got as one day the may not be here anymore. -Ayse

  13. Rain gently pressing against my face. I look around estatic, lost for words. I fel like I was free alon at lady. Nothing could take this moment away from me. It was as if my prayers had been answered and that I would finally be fur filled. The droplets of rain on my face made me feel so great and alive that I felt like I could do anything. Finally I was free

  14. This is it I'm free! No longer trapped in the lonely prison cell which I once called home. The rain water sliding down my forehead, right down the centre of my nose, slowly dripping off the edge of the tip. My feet bare and cold, my arms lifted right up into the air and my face towards the clouds as if I was shouting up to God, thanking him for my freedom.


  15. I can't believe it, I'm finally free! Out of that hell-hole. What now? Where will I go? What will I see? Will they catch me? What will happen when they wake up? I hope my friends will be ok, I can't believe it I'm free! All that work paid off. That was exhausting, but I would do it again and again to get this feeling of freedom. I feel so alive!


  16. I ran and ran. I felt numb; I couldn't stop my aching limbs from moving. I finally found the power to stop. I fell onto my knees. Hands facing upwards, arms out wide and back straight. I smiled; but that was then and this is now. They caught me. I am back now. Locked up for a crime i didn't do. Locked for gun that wasn't mine. 13 years ago i broke free. 13 long years. 17 to go.

  17. Luckily, I have escaped from that horrid place! I don't know why they had kept me in there, I didn't do anything wrong. Freedom after being stuck in there for 2 whole weeks. I don't even remember anything. Bu the main thing is that I know I am out of danger now.
    By Ikra:)

  18. Julia h
    I have nearly completed the spell. I knew it was possible, to both read and perform from another witches book of shadows. I grab the book of shadows from my covens library, and as it is a hot night I go out in just my shorts. I stand outside my house, at night , In the boiling night, in the boiling night of July when we wish for winter and dream of the rain pouring down from the heavens above. Though my Wiccan teacher told me it was something so dark that I should never perform that type of magick, I told myself that I would be a hero. Was that what I wanted? No. I just wanted to perform magick, strong magick that I could see make a difference. But I couldn't do that yet. Not yet. Shaking, I opened the book and flicked cautiously through the pages until I found rain. There it was, two black candles, three rose petals that have wilted and have been pressed and kept in a jar of salty water for a week, a handful of black power and a pinch of white. I had already prepared that at home and I had already done the joining in the circle. Now for the last bit. I walked in the middle of the deserted road. I drew myself a chalk circle, and raised my hands high. By merlins name, let there be light. I imagined a ball of blue light float I front of me, mist swirling round, I felt like I was being thrown around, my head felt like it was swelling, my body caving in on its self, the energy rushing from my fingertips, I was not sure if it was pins and needles or rain but what ever it was, I liked it. It was the end. The end of the heat, or mine. I was a hero, a hero that caused massive floods and killed the inhabit enhabitence of the world.

  19. It feels so cold as it hits my face, I cant believe its taken so long for it to come. It lasted 28 days, its now finally over. I now feel free to do what ever I want. The sacrifices I made, the emotions I felt.. all gone. How did I survive the torture? It must be a sign surely no one could survive what I went through its a miracle.

  20. Sometimes I feel like the world is on my shoulders. The pressure is relentless, I don't know how I will get through this. The pain hurts so much and I cannot see the light at the end of this dark tunnel. This journey is more horrendous than anything you can ever imagine and I cannot see my destination or any light and then, as if by magic I wake up and it is all over. Where there was only dark, there is only light and my nightmare is at an end. I get dressed and run outside in the pouring rain, just glad to be alive.


  21. I need to keep on running dark clouds linger behind me, 'when the first rain drop falls than you will see' that voice, I cannot get it out of my head. Then I feel it cool damp moisture on my face, hand, feet, pavement I need to keep on running. Then I see it, the old house that is falling, just like always. Then I see her maybe it is a him on the edge, near the sea. One foot goes than the other ' you could have saved her' the women flue and fell; I dropped to my knees and scream to god. I have saved four souls four my redemption and I have lost two.

    Lena Tomasik
    I did not know how to change my punctuation so I look on word, my piece of work according to word.

  22. I cried loudly in pain, screaming hard for forgiveness. My cold bare chest opened out with my arms spread looking up to heaven. Rain drenched onto me with stars shining in my eyes. I begged and begged on this stormy dark night, I felt so free that I had escaped. It was a miracle, emotions ran through me. It was such a relief. I survived.

  23. I stood in the gloom; unaware what was happening around me. The skies open as though God is welcoming me to his kingdom. I gazed at the night’s sky carefully watching the grey puff balls slowly more towards me. I stood, dead still hypnotized by the small droplet. it hit my cheek. In explosion of water drowned my paws. More started to come down. What was it? Where did it come from? It was like a shower of refreshing, cool ice drops. My heart is pounding fast. I don't know what to do?
    Alexandria :)
