Friday 20 June 2014

Creative writing - Thinking about setting

In class today, we did some activities developing vocabulary about the following image. Please post the bits of writing you did here.


  1. The hot lava formed a circle, like a ring high up on the tower of destruction. Though it's far away, you can feel the heat against your Cheek, the energy clinging to you persuading you to continue. A terrifying cloud arose from the un-inhabited darkness of fear, worry and dread. The dark pit, the devil of your imagination, your own hell, you fears no one else's, made from the smoke and ashes of nightmares that your mum held you tight and told you not to worry over. She wasn't here now. No one was. You were alone. The high lord opens its mighty mouth, not even the elements themselves could save you now. The overpowering troll from the darkest corner of hell, the murderer of the journey, the death to your journey, the full stop to the end of the end, the full stop to you.

  2. Black clouds cover the sky like Satan's slaves, they drag themselves over the endless space above our heads. Tall mountains reach high into the sky and stand tall and proud, intimidating anything below. colours of gold and orange pour out of a mountain, it seeps and congeals at the bottom; leaving a thick black cloud behind it. The smell of burning flesh lingers in the air penetrating any nose.
    By Celina

  3. In this scene you can see that the volcano is in the middle of its eruption, with lava squirting out, colours orange, yellow and white. The ash fills the air with dark clouds, and pollution that hovers over the ground, making it hard to breath. Next to the erupting volcano, is a tower, holding the ring. Those who have entered the tower, have never stepped foot outside again. The curvy hills, lying next to the mystical tower, standing dark, still, and violent. No living creature has ever walked upon these hills, and never have thought about it. The bubbling, boiling, hot water, that is constantly sizzling. The crumbly rocks are always being melted by the water constantly, and without any word, this is what everyone probably thinks of as hell.

  4. This; is the dark future, your homeland, but you are not alone great evil is not only the peace maker, but is the cause of the war you are living in and yet you survive living on the cold flesh of your previous brothers and sisters, you are not only living in this death land you mare part of it. This suicide mission of a land is alive but not with greens, not with pretty hard oak trees not with people but with death. No man women or god could draw this landscape no; this is not a bad dream which your mother could save you from. No this is real.

    Lena Tomasik

  5. The lava flowing down the mountains compliments the black surrounding them. The smoke blackens out the blue sky and the ground is covered with ash. There is no sign of life to be seen in this hell hole.


  6. The enclosed world. Thunder grey clouds and darkness. You are now trapped in this empty hell hole with nobody beside you except the blazing fire. Stay brave. Volcanic rock bursting out and death is one step closer. Isolated, trapped. What do you do? How do you get out? A futuristic building and imagination gone wild, this is something you'd see in a dream. Is it a dream?

  7. The thick, dark clouds lingered high up in the empty sky. The fog flew like steam from a kettle when it is boiled. Waves smashing against the never-ending cliffs. The storm was brewing quickly. No living creature to be seen anywhere. A warming glow of oranges and reds lit up the grey, plain sky. Lava catapulted from every direction from the roaring volcano, and plunged into the icy, cold water making a splash followed by a high itched sizzle of the fire being extinguished.
    Alexandria :)
