Tuesday 11 March 2014

Arthurian Legend - A Reflection of Learning

Please develop the discussion here about your learning from this unit of work on Arthurian Legend.


  1. i think that my learning has developed really effectivly because of the different genres of text. personally i like the graphic novel because i enjoyed thinking very deeply into reading a detailed image. i prefer reading images because it is easier to use your imagination more effectivly if there is no dialog or words insted it teaches me how to read colours and onomatopea using the terms connotation and symbolises. the disscusions in class alows me to build on my thoughts so at the end of a discussion ni am able to be a critical thinker with so much detail in mind. i think i have learnt alot from this unit of work because of technologie because i was able to look at different sources of infomation. different ways of presenting text has made me go into more depth because different genres have different vocabulary so i learn new words and phrases each time i look at a different text. arthurian legend work has made me become more confident in sharing my feelings on the blog and in class. it has built on my range of vocabulary and key terms.


    1. Yes I strongly with agree Charlotte I find it easier to look at pictures rather than reading as i think that if you don't understand a story you can always use the pictures to help you and guide you in the right path as it will then give you a rough idea of the story you just read

    2. yes i do to. iv also talked about some of those points in my overview.

    3. by the way that was Celina

    4. I agree with Charlotte Because the difference between The genres of text are different and therefore have a different impact on our learning. I agree that the graphic novel was interesting but i personally prefer the written text/poem Because it stuck in my head and when i listened to it i got really into it and felt like i was there, Like watching a movie in my mind.

    5. Julia By the way sorry i thought i added my name!

    6. I agree with you Julia, Celina, Georgia and Charlotte. Personally i don't have a favorite because:
      Graphic novel-It was new and interesting and you have more of an idea about the colors and don't have to read so much!
      Poem- Like Julia said "I agree that the graphic novel was interesting but i personally prefer the written text/poem Because it stuck in my head and when i listened to it i got really into it and felt like i was there, Like watching a movie in my mind."
      Written text- you get to imagine the whole thing and can interperate it how you want to!
      Comic strip- Because you get to see both Illustrations and text!

    7. Zoe by the way!

    8. I agree Zoe and you have very interesting opinions! I like the way that you have listed the topics before explaining them! Thank you for commenting on my comment!
      Julia! :) < I rememberd to put my name!

    9. i like how zoe was able to see the unique and wonderful features of each type of text rather than just focusing on one. you were able to see that each genre of texts had an impact on learning and that they all had an important effect even if it was image, writing or both.

      charlotte :-)!!!

    10. I agree with Charlotte and Georgia. I personally find it much easier to understand pictures because that way everyone has different opinions on the picture and we can share what other people think of it. Whereas, if you have a story or an extract you have to read from, everyone will sort of imagine the same thing because everyone is reading the same text. Also you can't really change what the text says because it is already written but you can change what you think of the image after listening to different peoples comments.
      Overall, I really enjoyed learning about the Arthurian Legend.

    11. i agree with ikra because she is right that everyone has a different imagination so everyone has a different thought about an image because there is no text to discribe it for you

    12. I think that what Zoe did was really unique and i loved to see what she thought of each Type of text that we did! Julia

  2. I enjoyed learning about new technology in school and that we should be using them to develop our knowledge. I think that is is good that we use technology but not to the point that we are relying on it too much.
    I always also enjoyed assessing a graphic novel I found the images easy to you understand. We write a piece of descriptive writing showing the New techniques we had learnt. I find it easier when I am reading a book to the images to guide me along if I don't understand.
    Also this is taught me to not just skim through images back to look at them in detail. As many things have meanings in graphic novels for example The golden brown background Could represent victory for Arthur!
    I found this topic very interesting really enjoyed it!

    1. i agree with georgia because it is important to not just have images there to look at because they are pretty but to really think why the illustrator has included that specific image so to look at it in more detail


    2. Again I agree with Georgia when it comes to technology, it is good to go on to it for research and homework etc... but there should also be a limit for it as well. You should not constantly or continuously be on technology. Earlier like Georgia said you can't rely on technology too much because when it comes to an exam or test and you have to write on paper you cannot use a laptop or computer then you have to write with a pen. so you should be comfortable writing with pen on paper and typing on a laptop etc...

    3. I agree and i like how we can go off topic but still learn about the same topic at the same time! < Doesn't make sense
      I love how we got to do research as hw because we could find a better viarity of websites that we wouldn't have been able to find otherwise!

    4. I (like quite a few people) agree with Georgia. Technology IS 'at our fingertips' yet sometimes we skip opportunities to use it in school. If we could use it at school it could enhance our learning and also we could go that little bit extra in research. I think as a class we all understood that we need technology, and thats why we spend nearly 2 lessons debating about it!! I also think that the lessons on analysing pictures helped me as now when i see pictures, i look ore closely and think about connotations and what metaphorically things could mean. I also thought this topic was interesting Georgia! -Mia D

    5. I agree with Georgia, I wouldn't mind using it in school that much, but if we keep on using it too much, then we will rely on it too much and loose all our other abilities that aren't on iPods, iPhones, and that would be sad, being one of our achievements (eg. Art)

      ~Mia R~

  3. Arthurian legends was a really fun topic! we explored many different points and views in this topic and i definitely have learnt a lot.
    here are some of the thins i most enjoyed about this topic:
    (in no particular order)
    1.how Arthurian legends get passed down through time.
    2. the different versions of arthurian legends
    3. The history
    4.how they can be interpreted by different types of people
    5. graphic novels
    6. worded versions
    7. meanings of colour in the graphic novels
    8. what types of arthurian legends there are
    9. characters in the tales
    10. poetry
    11. discussion on the blog

    i also thought the discussion on the blog was a massive help to this topic like finding out other peoples views on the topic etc.


  4. i liked it how we looked at excalibur. this is because i did not know anything about this amazing thing and probably neither did anyone else have a clear understanding of it. i think that looking at excalibur comic opened up a whole new discussion about this. however i was not so keen on the comic because i found it hard to understand and get my head around. to be honest i did not understand many of the written texts because of the type of language and way it was written. however it helped me to look at texts i did not get because it made me want to reasurch the history and meaning of them. excalibure also had more to it than just the sword. it included merlin and the lady of the lake which again made our class and blog discussions expand because people gave links to websites that our all different but at the same time telling a different story. it is good to look at more than one website because it allowed me to choose the ones that suited me so i could share my thoughts about my favourite one on the blog. i have learnt that to be a good reasurcher that i had to look at different sources and compare them.

    1. that was charlotte. also in addition to my last comment it is a very good skill to be a good reasurcher and you get credit and good marks if you are able to reasurch using technologie in an effective and helpful way. reasurching on technologie is important aswell because when our generation are getting jobs everything will be done on technologie insted of books.

  5. i learnt we live in a world full of different opinions and we are never going to really know about how much of arthurian legend is true so it is important we learn and discusse about things that everyone has mixed veiws on so we can have an understanding of why people think that way


  6. I also agree with Celina about the blog. I think it has had a huge impact on all of us and I think it has really helped on our learning and the people who are not too loud in class discussion have a chance to put their opinion forward on this blog and the people who are not as quiet can carry on their discussion here. I really enjoyed the blog and looking at different peoples point of views.
    (I did not want to offend anyone by saying' the people who are not as quiet', I was just talking generally not particularly our class just any class in general, apologies if I did offend you.)
    Ikra :)

    1. I agree with you Ikra, I also think that quiet people in class can say their part of the learning, and no one can over power their voice (eg. Loud people), and whenever someone reads what you have posted, they can re-read it as much as they can, and it would never disappear. They might write a comment saying 'I agree with you (whoever) because...' and their reason why they agree, which I think brings all our learning together.

      ~Mia R~

      ~Mia R~

    2. I agree with you Ikra the blog is good for loud and quiet people. It also gives you a chance to research things that you want to double check and find deeper descriptions of things you want to write on the blog

  7. 1.I have learnt new ways to research
    2.I have learnt the most efficient ways to research
    3.I have learnt the most beneficial ways to research
    4. I have learnt that there are different sides and versions to each story/
    point of view.
    5.I have learnt that people can interpenetrate questions in different ways
    6. I have learnt the most effective ways to discuss
    7.I have learnt through other peoples opinions
    8. I have learnt from people commenting on my posts ( like this one!)
    9. I have learnt about the features of a graphic novel
    10.I have learnt from commenting on other peoples posts
    11.The blogg has helped me get into depth
    12. There are more types of writing, without words
    13. Illustrations are not just for kids
    14. People present the same thing in different ways to make it seem different to another
    15. Each piece of writing can be taken to depth
    16. Not everything is easy to find
    17. That you need to back yourself up with evidence
    18. Blogg can never disappear on you
    19. to get your ideas improved, you need to share them.
    20. Arthur can be connected to many different things
    21. Not everything people tell you is true
    22. The more interesting something is the more you want to tell someone that thing that you found interesting
    21. I have learnt how to check if my source is reliable or not!

    1. Julia By the way

    2. wow Julia, I definitely agree with you we have learnt a lot on this topic!
      i have also made some similar points if you would like to read mine

    3. I also made a comment below about 7 other things I learnt as well as what you have already posted. By the way I agree with all the points you said. ~Isabella

    4. Sorry i put 21 twice!

  8. I have learnt:

    1.) How to actually read a Graphic Novel
    2.) Features of a graphic Novel - gutter, panel, etc
    3.) Who the Lady of The Lake is
    4.) Not every thing someone tells you is true
    5.) Stories are interpreted and changed over time so the same story might be different when told by another person
    6.) Using a blog can actually help you understand a topic.
    7.) Images count as reading.
    This is all I could think of without repeating Julia's post too.

  9. I learnt many things and new words which I did not know about before. e.g. connotations which I did not know the meaning of before and now I can easily use the word connotation(s) now in my writing. I really enjoyed learning about The Sword in the Stone, Excalibur and The Lady Of The Lake. I liked how there was 2 different legends about 2 different swords and how The Lady Of The Lake was linked to Excalibur because she held up the sword in the water.
    Ikra :)

  10. I have learnt;
    -Colours which connotate a meaning
    -Expressing my views and opinions on the blog
    -Looking at different ways the story was written e.g. Graphic novel, poem, story.
    -Features of a graphic novel e.g. camera shots
    -Looking at different interpretations of Arthur ad the stories about him. e.g Excalibur, lady of the lake etc.


  11. Also, looking at different ways the story was put; e.g. graphic novel, poem etc has given me different views and learning the story in different ways by seeing different examples of text. And now i think differently of Arthur.


  12. During this topic I have learnt:
    1) Read graphic novels
    2) Understand the graphic novels and their expressions
    3)find different ways to research
    4)features of a graphic novel eg gutters, speech bubbles, panel
    5)stories/myths get changed as time goes on
    6)using a blog to communicate with class mates and helps me understand the topic in more detail
    7)I have learnt in different ways to discuss a topic with the rest of the class
    8)I now know I understand graphic novels or pictures than reading a big long text
    9)I have learnt about different types of technology and the positive and negative opinions with them and how we can use them with education
    10)each piece of writing can be taken into depth
    by alexandria

  13. During this topic of work I feel like I have learned a lot about how to analyse a picture/comic. I understand now that you don’t have to know what a story is about through a piece of text, you can also find out through pictures. This has helped me to explore my options in which way I prefer to learn.

    By Fara

    1. I agree Fara! I really enjoyed this topic! (my comment is down below!) -Mia D

    2. I agree but i prefer the things in these ways:
      Graphic novel-It was new and interesting and you have more of an idea about the colors and don't have to read so much!
      Poem- Like Julia said "I agree that the graphic novel was interesting but i personally prefer the written text/poem Because it stuck in my head and when i listened to it i got really into it and felt like i was there, Like watching a movie in my mind."
      Written text- you get to imagine the whole thing and can interperate it how you want to!
      Comic strip- Because you get to see both Illustrations and text!
      This has been taken from Zoe's post but i did ask her first!

  14. I agree with Fara, i have learnt how to read between the lines and properly analyse a picture or a graphic novel. I also learnt that King Arthur has connections with Wales and also the Celts. I have really enjoyed this topic! -Mia D

  15. During this topic, I learnt that King Arthur was a boy when he pulled the sword out of the stone, and that he was a great and noble soldier. He fought in battles as commander leading his side to victory. But, there are different stories about the Arthurian Legend, and I don't know which one to believe because none of them are easy to believe coming from me. I also lookup up that someone years back (in Henry VIII reign) had threatened writers to write about Arthur and when they did Arthur became a well known hero at the time. So the story we were learning about is 99.9% it is one of those stories that were made up. But historians are becoming more observant in their work and think they have found the birth place of the sword in the stone (the stone is there still). Historians are still looking deeper into information to find more out about Arthur and the legend. On a website I found, I read a paragraph that said (I made it a but simpler): A monk in the fifth-century wrote about a warrior called Arthur.
    One more thing, I don't really think this is true, but Arthur was meant to be king, but his brother took the throne because he died. His brother was Henry VIII.

    ~Mia R~

  16. I think that reading the story in different ways summarises the whole novel altogether. when reading it slightly different each time you really get to understand the whole concept and the things that are similar and some that are written slightly more complexed or more simple. Each story has its own way of putting the graphic novel in the same way just different words and picture. Some parts of the story has more detail than the other parts but the whole story together has a good understanding on what happend and was acted out.


  17. Here are a few ways how I learnt about Arthurian Legend
    1. I learnt that there are many different stories to the legend as many people think there are other sides to the story. In one story they thought the lady of the like was a 'normal' girl that was asked to hold the sword up for Arthur.

    2. I have also learnt who Arthur is and many ways he became king, one way was that in the graphic novel it shows that a knight needed a sword and there were none left so, Arthur pulled out the sword, which meant he was the new king.

    3. I have also learnt how to go into detail about analysing the graphic novel, like when Arthur pulls out the sword it makes a 'siiinnngg' noise which means movement of the sword.

    4. I have learnt about Graphic novels and that you can learn by looking and analysing the pictures. Aswell I have learnt what some off the graphic novel features are like the gutters- which is the spacing between the pictures, how camera angles have an effect on the picture (long shot, mid shot, low, high shots.)

    5. I have also gained knowledge using technology specially via the blog, as you read information about what people think and find out, also a lot from the internet and different spins on it.

    6. You can learn a lot from different types of text as we have looked at many like the: graphic novel, stories, newspaper articles, poems and many more.

    7. I have learnt aswell that the 21st century rely a lot on technology as it gets used every single day 24/7 and that the internet can have a bad effect on you and a good one.

    Orla O'Mahony

  18. I have learnt that
    1. You read images and not just stare at it and acknowledge it
    2. Although there and different genres of text, they can all lead to the same conclusion, or follow around the same line.
    3. We are constantly using technology nowadays even if we don’t know it
    4. To find the real answer you need to dig deeper and deeper to find out if things are reliable
    5. You shouldn’t trust everything that you read online
    6. If people say a website is bad make them prove it because it may be fine
    7. How to summarise and research properly

  19. I learnt
    1.That there are more than one versions of Arthur.
    2.The features of a graphic novel
    3.W e looked at Arthurian legend in different texts
    4.We studied through technology, drama and analyses

  20. i have learnt a lot i have learnt a lot about the graphic novels i think that was more easier than the comic beacuse i could see more instead of ready the graphic novel you had to use your own senses to see what was happeneing which i quite like than reading the comic.

    I learnt about the technology lesson as well.
    I also learnt new words too.
    And i also learnt the features of a graphic novel.

  21. Arthurian Legend
    A reflection of my learning

    I had heard the story of Arthur before but I didn't know a lot. This is what I learnt:
    • There are more than one version of Arthur
    • There was said to be a lady in the lake that is holding up the sword
    • In some stories there is said to be two swords
    • It was said to be developed in Wales
    • We studied different types of text:
    - Graphic Novel
    - Stories
    - Play script called ‘A Young Arthur’
    • The blog discussion helped me learn more and understand Arthur more, it was also very interesting looking at others opinions about Arthur.


    1. i agree with all of these comments Lucy.
      i really like the one about more than 1 version of the story, as i agree with that as i have stated in my comment before, that i have posted.

    2. I learnt nearly all of them and I found it confusing to begin with that there were more versions to it as I thought lady of the lake was how he became king instead of pulling the sword out of the stone (in a different version.) Orla

  22. I have learnt:
    how to read a graphic novel correctly
    how to use a blog effectively
    that there are many versions of the same story
    how to give my opinion on something
    how to research effectively
    that everything isn't what it seems
    that a legendary king and the lady of the lake could have been just a boy and girl


  23. I have also learnt how it isn't just the story, its how we read the story whether its by images in a graphic novel, by talking amongst ourselves or even being read off of a highly technological device like a computer and projector or a tablet. This also lead to me understanding how technology has changed over billions of years, from cave paintings, to text messaging, everything has changed.


  24. I learned
    1.There are different versions of the story, such as the one from the girl's point of view
    2.Some aspects of Arthurian legend are real and he might have existed
    3.It has been turned into a graphic novel and a story of when Arthur was at school
    4.I think I learned more from the blog because we had to read through the posts carefully to comment a reply
    5.I felt that because of the blog I researched more and became more curious about what i was doing


  25. I have learnt :
    different point of views and interpretations of Arthurian legends

    different ways too research information

    what lady of the lake is

    not everything on the internet is true

