Wednesday 12 March 2014

Writing a newspaper article on an event from Arthurian Legend

Some key features of a newspaper article which you should consider using when you write your report:

- An engaging headline (puns, alliteration)

- Who? What? Where? When? Why? (format)

- Reported and direct speech (eye-witness accounts)

- Past tense (usually)

- Formal language

- Variety of sentence lengths

- Emotive/dramatic vocabulary (words like ‘shock’, ‘amazing’, ‘incredible’)

- Time and sequence connectives - as soon as; following; eventually

- Short paragraphs

Please also use the following resources for further support:


  1. Mr long my computer shut down whilst I was re writing this can I send it to you tommorw

  2. Gwyna is only a fourteen year old girl who happens to have some unknown relationship with Myrddin the fake magician. As you will find out later, our reporter Imogen Hann has had the opportunity to meet Gwyna (and parents), The King, The Prince and Myrddin. Find out later how our majestic hero is not so majestic, or heroic.

    Early this morning Gwyna got convinced by Myrddin to take the risk of journeying to the terrifying Dead Lake. Was it a coincidence that both Myrddin and Gwyna arrived at the same time as Arthur and his Knights? If not than how would Myrddin Know?
    Gwyna, the average teen girl, was invited to join Myrddin on his journey to the dead lake. Why would anyone trust a fake magician, he lied didn’t he? Or did he not tell her until after she agreed? Why did she lie to her parents about going camping and why did her parent believe her?
    Gwyna left her home in Camelot to embark on the journey of a lifetime, or the end of it. Myrddin revealed many secrets over the course of that journey. Those precious secrets that need many more explanations than are available for not just us, but anyone to find.
    Our reporter Imogen Hann has interviewed both Gwyna (and her parents), the King, Prince and Myrddin. First we asked Gwyna if she knew Myrddin at all before the trip. Gwyna replied “ yes, he trains and tutors me” Then she sighed and added “ before you ask no my parents do not know about this, I meet him next to the sword from the stone every day at sunset and I leave before sunrise
    Next Imogen asked Gwyna to talk us through the journey and what happened when they reached the destination. Well first I met him at the sword of the stone Two days ago at sunset “Replied Gwyna “He told me that we had to leave tomorrow (yesterday for us) for something important that concerned the king. I had to trust him because I believed he was a real magician, well he turned a man into the likeness of another didn’t he, everyone knows that tale”
    Next Imogen talked to Myrddin “so Myrddin if you are a fake magician, how did you change a man into the likeness of another? ”Tricks” he replied “stories a man loves a good story” “] how did you get the king involved?” questioned Imogen “The King simply involved himself in the situation” And how to you suppose he did that? Imogen queried “And Arthur, how did he get involved” “the King Loves a good story, I am simply the story weaver “the innocent sounding Myrddin relied softly” The King wanted a story about Arthur, portraying him as the chosen one, so that’s what I did”
    Myrddin has now been sentenced the death penalty for treason against the King. We have one last question for Gwyna before she can finally go home, what you told your family, Rumors having been telling everyone. But are they true? “I did tell them that I was going camping for a few days with my friends “she replied but seeing Imogen’s perplexed face she added “ My friends didn’t know”
