Wednesday 5 February 2014

Discuss the impact of new technologies in learning

Today, we discussed the impact of new technologies in learning. Please continue that discussion here and support your argument where you can with evidence/research. There will be numerous articles/videos on this online so don't forget to name your source and quote if you are using any comments directly from a website.

I'd like to share this video with you first. What impact does it have on your current views?


  1. I still think that introducing iPhones, iPads, iPods ect. shouldn't be allowed in school for texting OR teaching because teachers are forgetting about the causes this is doing to our plant such as Global Warming. They teach us the horrifying things happening and end up teaching us how to use them ourselves. We should just stick to the computers because they will still be used in years to come and are like iPhones, but bigger and have more space than iPhones. When teachers tell the pupils to come off, they will not come off and get addicted when if you leave them to come off naturally, they might not even come off it, and children from a young age can access the internet easier and get onto chat rooms, such as Omegal, which is a website that connects random people together and chat. This can be dangerous because they might meet up or might be tracked down without knowing this.

    It also has a good thing about it when you can use it as an educational thing, playing maths games or colouring in.

    1. Hi Mia

      Thank you for your comments so far. You make a number of 'generalised' points which I think need some further careful thought. When you say children from a young age can access the internet and get into chat rooms, do you know how much of this is going on? Who do you think is responsible to teach young children about the dangers of such websites? I'd also like you to be a bit more specific in your final point when you say it could be a good thing. Have you watched the Ken Robinson YouTube video? I would really like to hear your thoughts on this too.

  2. I am on both sides of this debate.
    Technology is a great thing which has developed and still will develop our learning. Even learning how to unlock an iphone/ipad is a skill for young people. I think that youngsters with the latest technology is good for them and it teaches them at a young age how to use technology;it is a hard skill to do. I have two younger cousins; 3 and 6. From very young they were using ipads, learning how to say the alphabet and numbers with apps and even now they are not addicted, which proves that young children will not just stick to technology. It teaches everyone something and also helps lifestyle incredibly! If I didn't have technology, I wouldn't know half the things I know now. It has helped improved my skills, knowledge, coordination etc and i believe nearly every game has something behind it. Also, obviously everyone wouldn't be using technology 24-7 so it is not such a bad thing. Technology is so clever and I think in the future it will be a huge impact on our learning, in a good way.

    On the other hand, technology is bad for our brains if we are on it all the time, and we should still stick to traditional learning as this is also a fantastic way of learning instead of always electronic.

    Lily :)

    1. I have two brothers age 6 and 11, and the youngest was given my mums iPod for christmas, and before he had it my mum used to show him these educational games, but he was not interested in them, he's interested in gun games, fighting which makes boys more aggressive. This is does not happen to girls because they are not as aggressive and would enjoy the educational games, and colouring in.

    2. I agree with you Lily I think young children should learn to use new gadgets as you cannot predict what the future will be like as we may totally relie on technology. Orla

  3. I think young children should learn to use these new technology beacuse in the future as you said there will be ipads and thing in schools no more books so this is why you should lesrn to use them but young children should use it for a long period of time because i think it could hurt there eyes and they will proberly get addicted to it there was this game i used to play when i was small and i would always used to play it 24 7 and it used to hurt my eyes and my mum and dad had to stop me.
    Im not saying no they shouldent use it all im saying is that they should but not for long only for a short period of time.

    Fiza :)

  4. I think children should learn how to use gadgets and ipads as it is slowly becoming a life skill and becoming second nature. I also think children learn responsibility whilst having this technology.
    On the other hand parents may struggle to pay "to keep their children up to date" as it is very expensive, as technology is getting used more often I think companies should reduce their prices.
    There is also another down point on technology is that they say it is not good for you. Here is a headline I found in an old magazine at home " Every hour you watch of television your life decreases by one day!" I think this is very shocking and I do not think people and children know of these dangers of watching TV. ~Orla

  5. Like Lily I am on both sides of the debate. I think it is fine if young children after the age of 2 go on technology because before then if they go on technology it can damage their eyes and brain cells because their brain is very small. Also if they get used to it from a very young age, if a time comes when they have to write in books or on paper they will refuse and always want the ipad or some kind of technology to go on which is a bad habit because like Orla said it is hard to keep up to date on all these new technologies and phones coming out each year.
    On the other hand, I suppose children should go on the ipad but they should have a limited amount of time, maybe 20 minutes because some parents just give their children the ipad to play on and they don't care how long they play on it for because it keeps them distracted.
    Ikra :)


    Watch this clip it is 3 minutes long but it is good.



    This is another really good one. It is about a little boy who is constantly on the ipad playing games and he is playing at dinner time and when he goes shopping. It shows the impact.

  8. Thank you to those who have contributed so far to the debate. Please could you try to back up some of your points with some research/evidence that you might have found. Ikra - thank you for the links. I will have a look soon.

  9. I have noticed that a lot of the time people in general say children get detracted from school work if the have access to some form of technology, but to fix that you could use technology in school and use it to write on and do homework on as it makes it more interesting and fun for them to use and you can even add reminders onto the devise to keep telling the person to do a task. Another point I would like to build on is that the internet is bad for children as it 'ruins there brains', there is applications and games that our educational, also there can be parental control on the devises now so the child can only access certain applications for their age, you can even allow certain websites that are allowed to be viewed. I know this for a fact as my sister has these restrictions on her iPad.
    I wrote this myself.
    By Celina

  10. I watched the clip that Ikra suggested about the boy addicted to his Ipad and I thought that when children get that addicted and do not play educational games, but gun games and violent games that something should be done about it. He should have parental control or adult supervision or an amount of time for how long to be on the Ipad. This shows one of the negative sides of technology such as an Ipad in education. - Isabella

  11. Who thinks that the way we are using technology here (i.e. blogging) is effective in developing our learning and why?

    1. I really like the way that we use this blog as it isn't always easy to hear from everyone and opinions can change after we have a read of other's coments

    2. I agree- Julia :)

    3. I like the blog as you can research before you post as you can't in class, and also people who are louder in class voice their opinions more than the quieter people, this allowing the quieter people to get to actually share their opinion. -Mia D

  12. I think it is right for children to learn new technology from a young age because it helps them get used to it because when they are older like us the world will be mainly technology.However the one effect children [mainly boys] sometimes have is they get obsessed with violent games and then it influences them to do things.

    This web shows us a newspaper article about the youth of today Using tecnology.
    This one isn't about youth, but all of us However i think that its great because it has both sides, And many different points!
    This tells about what we are doing to the world

    Is really good because people have put there views on it and whether they think it is good or bad! Julia

  15. i agree with the person talking in the video, i think its a good thing to change education and use more technology because as he said that the devices are changing things all around us so we should learn to use them in school for the future.

  16. I don't really know what to say in this argument. Im on both sides. On one hand, I really do think that technology is 'taking over the world.' It may seem like its amazing and you can connect with anyone, but its so dangerous. Disasters are just waiting to happen with social networking sites such as Omegle, Kik and Instagram. Omegle is a talking to strangers website; It is obscene that anyone would want to talk to someone they haven't met as they can be deceiving and if you have not be told in School, can think they are a kind little girl and meet up at the park. Kik is an app that allows you to talk to people, such as Facebook messenger or Instagram Direct Message. But with Kik, you don't have to be friends with them to message them, and their is no filter to bad language or sexual content. You can also send them pictures. Instagram, if not private, can be showing people what you look like and your daily life and where you come from. My friends, when procrastinating in the morning, will post pictures of themselves in their school uniform as a 'selfie'. Now, if they are not privated, any kind of creep can see this uniform and stalk you. This is why i private myself and only let people that i know well follow me. On the more positive side, Social networking e.g. FaceBook, Skype or YouTube are very good sites. Facebook and Skype allow people who live in different countries to call/see each other. My Nan, for example, is Chilean and lives in England. She is able to see her family in Chile on Skype and talk to them on Facebook. YouTube, as well as a popular pastime for teenagers, opens up job opportunities, which could actually help unemployed people who need jobs. YouTube also allows people to video themselves to show families how they are doing, but on a more public scale. As you (Mr. Long) said in class, apps help your daughter to develop her learning skills while having fun. This is good as it allows children to be more interactive. Technologly is constantly growing and improving and it is actually allowing us to create more medicine and take a deeper look into some diseases. If technology doesn't improve, we might not be able to cure cancer. (I got all this information from my own knowledge and I'm sorry its soooooo long!) -Mia D

    1. To sum up your post:
      You are on Both sides
      Its amazing That you can Connect with others
      Its dangerous that you can connect with people
      Talk about different connecting social webs
      Then you tell us about how technology helps us like you tube helps us to get jobs
      Then you move onto how technology helps us to cure illnesses and Diseases
      I like how you referred to what we learnt in class

    2. I like Mia's view because it basically summarises my point too. ~ Isabella

  17. Personally I think that technology isn't having that much of a bad effect on our lives because everything that we look at or websites we go on teach us somehow, by either giving us new information outright or subtly telling us tips, tricks and sharpening our knowledge on a wide range of social or educational subjects. Education plays a big part in our lives and sometimes we learn without even knowing it. Although some parts of the internet are not exactly good, we can learn to steer clear of them. Apps can teach us too, social networking sites can let us communicate with each other, tell us what our friends/relatives are doing, whats happening with our town, country, world and even new discoveries about the universe. Games can teach us survival, improve our coordination and senses, give us new skills and help us in everyday life.
    Addiction to technology can be a problem though, but not just in children and teenagers; adults can get just as addicted, they just know better ways to stop, why they should stop and don't have enough time to carry on.
    Many people argue that it obstructs human interaction and conversation which sometimes is true, but if it is important i think that the people who are addicted would find the time for it.
    (I got this all from my own fantastic brain)
    - Jess

  18. I think that the internet is a great source of learning and is very accessible and convenient for most students. I discussed this with my parents and they told me that when they were at school, their main source of information came from books such as encyclopedias and they had to go to the library to find these. However, I think that the amount of time spent using technology should be restricted so that people do not become addicted to it. I also feel that using technology too much hinders other things such as physically meeting up with friends and taking part in fun activities.
    These are my own thoughts and I did not use a website.

  19. To be honest I don't think technology is having a bad impact on our lives because by using different things we are learning all the time, and its a great way to communicate with others. Apps can also teach us things that we didn't know and teach us things valuable in life. I agree that by using technology too much isn't exactly good but i thinks its a great way of learning things. Ayse

  20. I think that using technology in school is an important part of our education. It will help us develop our knowledge and help us for our future lives when pens and paper will no longer be around.
    However we don't want to become to used to relying on the internet for our work we need to be able to put things into our own word and try and remember the facts we learn on different websites that we explore. We need to be able to feel confident in our spelling as we cant always rely on spell check! (as i often do)

    Georgia Bardwell
