Wednesday 22 January 2014

Task 2 - Tony Mitton's poem about Excalibur

Read Tony Mitton's poem again below and talk to each other about how it presents the story of 'Excalibur'. Is the story different in any way to some of the reading that you have done in your research. What do you think about the poem? Did you enjoy it? Why? What techniques does the poet use and what effects do they create?
From 'Excalibur the Magic Sword' by Tony Mitton
Sir Pellinore cried, “Boo-hoo-hoo!

My helmet’s got a dent.

My breastplate’s burst, but what is worst –

My lovely lance is bent!”

“That’s nothing,” cried King Arthur.

“Your helmet’s smashed my sword.

Another blade so nicely made,

I simply can’t afford.”

But as he spoke there came a flash,

a flicker, then a fizz.

Before him stood old Merlin,

King Arthur’s royal wiz.

He shook the sparkles from his cloak,

the fizzles from his hair,

then, as he spoke, began to poke

his finger in the air:

“As magic-maker to the court

I have things well in hand.

So come with me and soon you’ll see

the sword that I have planned.

“It’s being fashioned underground

with secret elvish skill.

With this fine sword you won’t be bored.

You’ll love it. Yes, you will.

“Sir Lancelot can go back home

to Camelot, for tea.

But, as for you, your sword awaits,

so come along with me.”

King Arthur’s eager face lit up.

“A brand new sword? That’s great!

A magic sword made underground!

Wow! I can hardly wait!”

So Merlin and King Arthur

went riding off together.

They rode through mist, they rode through fog,

all kinds of spooky weather.

They seemed to ride forever

down weirdly winding trails,

while all around there came the sound

of strange and eerie wails.

They rode through deep, enchanted woods,

they rode through dreary bogs.

They heard the caw of ragged crows,

the howl of ghostly dogs.

Then Merlin took a little path

that ribboned round a hill,

and soon they came upon a lake

that lay completely still.

No birds sang in the silent trees.

No frogs went croak or hop.

No breezes whispered in the reeds.

No little fish went plop!

“But see,” said Merlin, “yonder…

the centre of the lake…”

So Arthur looked, and at the sight

his legs began to shake.

A slender arm that gripped a sword

rose slowly from the water.

“I’ll save her!” cried young Arthur.

“She must be some knight’s daughter…”

“Be still,” hissed Merlin. ‘There you see

the Lady of the Lake.

She’s like a kind of mermaid.

That sword is yours to take.”


  1. I think(poem) that it first tells the story of the battle between Arthur and Uther, but soon leads up to the part when Arthur's sword brakes, and Merlin appears and takes him to the river to find Excalibur(the new sword). They go on a long journey to find his new sword.When they get there, Excalibur is held by a mermaids hand, only showing her hand and wrist.

    Sorry about any spelling mistakes

    1. Yes i agree what kind of reading do you prefer, Personally i prefer this because the short words stick in your head! Julia! :)

  2. I think the writer of the poem gives the story a funny feel! it may just be me but the way the things rhyme and the way the writer uses a wide range of vocabulary makes it fun to read. i enjoyed the poem, like i said before the rhyming and the vocabulary makes it fun for me (im sure many others) to read!
    from Celina Clifton

    1. I agree, i liked the poem too.

    2. That was Isabella...

    3. Adding onto your idea, i think also the shorted words (eg. Wiz) was a more child friendly and easier rhyming technique! ~Mia D

    4. Yes i do too, However like i said earlier it has long and more complex words that the younger generation may not understand! Julia!

  3. I think the poem of Excalibur gives the story a fun and jokey feel. The way the writer makes all the words rhyme and sound interesting makes me want to read on. In some parts of the poem the writer uses alliteration. This makes the poem sound funny but at the same time important and serious. Judging from what we did todays lesson, you could take some words out and work them out easily because of the rhyming words the writer uses. I think it is very cleaver how the poet bases his story on a myth rather than a random made up subject. It is fun and easy to read but it is also telling a very important story of a famous myth of Excalibur.
    By Alexandria Hambi

    1. I agree don't you mean clever not cleaver? Julia!

  4. I liked the poem because it tells the story of Excalibur in a very interesting way. I also like how we had to guess the words because some of us got really competitive and it was a really good way for us all to interact. I like the poem.


    1. Yes it does does do you prefer any other types of reading to this? Julia

  5. I think that the poem is the story of Excalibur but shortened to fit in the layout of a poem also made to rhyme so it seems more fun, interesting and it's easier than reading it from a book (for me anyway)

    1. Yes i agree but doesn't it also tell us why he had to look for a new one and how he bend the old one? Julia

  6. I enjoyed reading the poem in class, however found the language sometimes quite confusing. I also agree with Molly that the rhyming made it more fun! I thought it was telling the story of Auther but another slightly edited version or it was a longer version of the first story we looked at and it was just another way that Auther found the sword??
    Georgia ;)

    1. No didn't he loose the first in battle ( it broke) So he and Merlin ventured out in search for a new and better sword, The sword of exaliber of which the case was magic and protected him ect Julia

  7. i liked how it rhymed after every other line and how it made it quite child friendly. i also liked how they made some words shorter E.G. wiz
    sofia :)

    1. Yes i do too, However like i said earlier it has long and more complex words that the younger generation may not understand! Julia

  8. I liked this poem because it tells the story of Excalibur in a fun and interesting way. Some words were hard to understand and it was confusing but I sort of figured out what they meant and the rhyming was good and fun, and helped too. I also like the way the author sometimes uses speech to emphasise the poem to make the story sound realistic.

    1. I think the same as you Lily. I think the rhyming puts a playful twist on what was otherwise a long poem which may not appeal to others as it does to one person. ~Mia D

    2. Yes i agree Mia it does make the poem more interesting, considering how long it is! Julia

  9. I think that it gives a different and more artistic view of the story, but I do like this tale or poem of Excalibur

    1. Yes i agree also it is a new way of reading and learning about the mysterious legend of King Arthur! Julia

  10. I like how the author has done this as a poem because it is more interesting. I still however think that the novel explained more on the story but I still like the poem as it was easier to learn from.

    1. Yes i agree with this because It is fun reading it in a poam and is a new and exiting way of reading. I also prefer reading the novel although reading it like this does make it easier to learn and easier to remember, I have it stuck in my head now! Julia

  11. This poem is a funny take on Excalibur and is more appealing to a younger audience. I think this because of the rhyming and choice of words.

    1. I agree with you but there is some longer and more difficult words in it!

  12. Oops i just realized that i wasn't publishing my comments! Anyway like i was typing before i agree with Lilly and Mia but i also think that How the,last word rhymed on every other line i think this added effect. Also i like how the author has included short, snappy words that stick in your mind and how it Tells the story in a fun way full of excitement and you think about every line after you read it! Julia

  13. I like the poem as it is easy to read. I also think the rhyming makes it more appealing to the younger readers.
    Lucy :-)

    1. Yes i do too, However like i said earlier it has long and more complex words that the younger generation may not understand! Julia

  14. I liked the poem because it is easier to read than the story and it explains the story in a way which I found amusing and more interesting. I also agree that the poem would appeal more to younger readers.

    Faith :-)

    1. Yes i do too, However like i said earlier it has long and more complex words that the younger generation may not understand! Julia
